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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Adventure works 2012 Database is a sample database which is mostly use for learning purpose .These databases is updating by Microsoft along with the new release of MS SQL Server come.

Click on Links to download Adventure works Databases.

Attach AW databases to MS SQL Server step by step.

1. first to login with sql server instance.
2. Then right click on databases.

3. click the add button and a new window will open and locate  a AW databases files (save AW database files where you install ms sql server for fast performence other wise you allso save this data base file in other drive or use smoothly) . and click on ok botton.
 Note: during attach datafiles only shows .mdf files not log file beacuse it create .log file automatecully.

4. finsh process.

Free Download and Install MS SQL server 2012 Adventure works 2012 Database.

Adventure works 2012 Database is a sample database which is mostly use for learning purpose .These databases is updating by Microsoft along with the new release of MS SQL Server come.

Click on Links to download Adventure works Databases.

Attach AW databases to MS SQL Server step by step.

1. first to login with sql server instance.
2. Then right click on databases.

3. click the add button and a new window will open and locate  a AW databases files (save AW database files where you install ms sql server for fast performence other wise you allso save this data base file in other drive or use smoothly) . and click on ok botton.
 Note: during attach datafiles only shows .mdf files not log file beacuse it create .log file automatecully.

4. finsh process.

Posted at 4:08 AM |  by Unknown


Thursday, July 17, 2014

DML Statements:
DML stand for DATA MANIPULATION LANGUAGE. These statements used for querying insert, update, delete and retrieve data in the whole database system.
DML Statements:
Select: Use for retrieve data from table.
Insert: Use for insert new record/data.
Update: Use for update record/data.
Delete: Use for delete record/data or whole table.
DML Statements Implementation:
For the practice of DML first create table.
Create database hnhsol;
Use hnhsol
Create table tb1(id int ,name varchar(20))
insert into tb1 values(1,'salman')
insert into tb1 values(2,'zohaib')
insert into tb1 values(3,'arsalan')
insert into tb1 values(4,'asad')
insert into tb1 values(5,'waqar')

Select Statement:
select * from tb1
(Retrieve all data from a particular table)
select name from tb1
(Here retrieve single column data from a table)

Insert Statement:
insert into tb1 values(6,'ali')
(This statement is use for insert single of data in a table)

Update statement:
update tb1 set name=’naeem’ where id=1;
(This update statement is use for update a particular record in a table)
Note: here where is use for as a search condition or reference that’s why a particular single record change/update otherwise you don’t use this where clause the whole column data will be change, so be care full to use this statement.

Delete Statement:
delete from tb1 where id=2 and name='zohaib';
(This delete statement is use for delete a particular record in a table)

 copy and paste code step by step in sql management studio and see the magic.
 if you have any query related this post . write in comment box. 

T-SQL Statements DML, DDL, DCL,TCL with Example (Part #1).

DML Statements:
DML stand for DATA MANIPULATION LANGUAGE. These statements used for querying insert, update, delete and retrieve data in the whole database system.
DML Statements:
Select: Use for retrieve data from table.
Insert: Use for insert new record/data.
Update: Use for update record/data.
Delete: Use for delete record/data or whole table.
DML Statements Implementation:
For the practice of DML first create table.
Create database hnhsol;
Use hnhsol
Create table tb1(id int ,name varchar(20))
insert into tb1 values(1,'salman')
insert into tb1 values(2,'zohaib')
insert into tb1 values(3,'arsalan')
insert into tb1 values(4,'asad')
insert into tb1 values(5,'waqar')

Select Statement:
select * from tb1
(Retrieve all data from a particular table)
select name from tb1
(Here retrieve single column data from a table)

Insert Statement:
insert into tb1 values(6,'ali')
(This statement is use for insert single of data in a table)

Update statement:
update tb1 set name=’naeem’ where id=1;
(This update statement is use for update a particular record in a table)
Note: here where is use for as a search condition or reference that’s why a particular single record change/update otherwise you don’t use this where clause the whole column data will be change, so be care full to use this statement.

Delete Statement:
delete from tb1 where id=2 and name='zohaib';
(This delete statement is use for delete a particular record in a table)

 copy and paste code step by step in sql management studio and see the magic.
 if you have any query related this post . write in comment box. 

Posted at 10:05 AM |  by Unknown


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