LANGUAGE. These statements used for querying insert, update, delete and
retrieve data in the whole database system.
DML Statements:
Select: Use for retrieve data from table.
Insert: Use for insert new record/data.
Update: Use for update record/data.
Delete: Use for delete record/data or whole table.
DML Statements Implementation:
For the practice of DML first create table.
Create database hnhsol;
Use hnhsol
Create table tb1(id int ,name varchar(20))
insert into tb1 values(1,'salman')
insert into tb1 values(2,'zohaib')
insert into tb1 values(3,'arsalan')
insert into tb1 values(4,'asad')
insert into tb1 values(5,'waqar')
Select Statement:
select * from tb1
(Retrieve all data from a particular table)
select name from tb1
(Here retrieve single column data from a table)
Insert Statement:
insert into tb1 values(6,'ali')
(This statement is use for insert single of data in a table)
Update statement:
update tb1 set name=’naeem’ where id=1;
(This update statement is use for update a particular
record in a table)
Note: here where is use for as a search condition
or reference that’s why a particular single record change/update otherwise you don’t
use this where clause the whole column data will be change, so be care full to
use this statement.
Delete Statement:
delete from tb1 where id=2 and name='zohaib';
(This delete statement is use for delete a particular
record in a table)