So SaS finaly release free Analutics U edition for global acadamic students and teachers. Who want to learn SaS studio with lots of analytics features lets check out and explore SaS Analytics U.
SaS Analytics U features.
SaS Base for sas stodio programing laguage look like sql and very easy to learn.
SaS Stat is a statistical tool use in sas.use for statistics.
SaS IML is for billion of rows data analysis and exploration in depth.
SaS Access is use for accessing data from different sources an different formates of data.
Download & Configure SaS Analytics U.
Step 1.Download SaS Analytics U.
(Note: this edition is and image and run on vitualbox and vmware i suggest that you download vmware version beacuse in virtualbox some compatiblity issues.)
step 2: after you download both SaS Analytics U and vmware .Click on OPen new virtual machine and locate the file where you save it then clik on ok.Your machine is appear and you see in bottom click on virtual machine setting where allocate hardrivw and ram to this macine and click on green button your machine start loading SaS analytics U.
step 2: After some process this window open copy paste this url in browser and press enter.
step 4: Then finaly click on stat studio button .
After the whole process is done you sas analytics u studio is open and you work on this with some builtin libraries sample data.